
Monday, July 18, 2011

Green Monster Smoothies

As seen on Annie's Eats
I've seen these smoothies around for ages, but never thought they would taste good with spinach in them.    I came across this recipe one day while meal planning, and- knowing I was making something else that week using spinach and would have extra- thought I'd give these a try.  

Plus, if Annie's son enjoyed these smoothies, a grown adult like myself would, too, right?  Absolutely.  They were refreshing and healthy and I now have a new use for spinach in my household. The husband liked them too.  It was a "win" all around!


1 banana (frozen or not), sliced into large chunks

1 cup chopped frozen pineapple
 (or if not frozen, add 3 ice cubes)
1 pear, coarsely chopped

1½ cups orange juice

2½ cups baby spinach leaves, rinsed

1-2 tbsp. honey, to taste

3 tbsp. ground flaxseed (optional- I omitted)


Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.  Taste and adjust the level of sweetness with additional honey as needed. Serve immediately.

Yields: 3 servings

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1 comment:

  1. I love green monsters! I was a little skeptical at first, but they are soo good!
