
Monday, July 25, 2011

Chicken Alfredo Casserole

I saw this recipe on a message board that I frequent, in a thread asking for your mom's best recipe.  I want to give the person who posted this recipe credit- but I couldn't find the recipe on her blog to link to.  But I can say, I got it from the owner of Does Not Cook Well With Others.

**This recipe was easy and tasty.  However, it was dry made as originally posted.  The ratio of pasta to sauce was off.  I would recommend either using 12 oz. of pasta instead of a full pound or using 24 oz. of Alfredo sauce instead of 16 oz.  The recipe was good, but I think with my recommendations, it would be awesome.**

The vegetables I used included one small sliced zucchini, half of one small sliced onion, and two cups frozen carrot, cauliflower and broccoli mix.  I recommend slicing the fresh vegetables thinly, as they take longer to cook then the frozen ones.

I posted the original recipe as I made it, but please take my advice and change up the proportions a bit.  It wasn't bad but would be much yummier (yes- yummier) if it was creamier.


1 lb cooked chicken breast, cubed  (I used the breast meat from a rotisserie chicken)

Your favorite assorted veggies 

16 oz. pasta, cooked to al dente**

16 oz jar Alfredo sauce (I used light)**
Salt and pepper, to taste


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 11x15 baking dish with cooking spray. 

In a large bowl, combine chicken, veggies, pasta and seasonings. Toss with Alfredo sauce. Pour into the baking dish. Cover with foil.

Bake 30-45 minutes or until veggies are cooked and dish is heated through.

Yields:  8-10 servings

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