
Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Hamburger" Cake

I was inspired to make this cake after seeing Bakerella's hamburger cupcakes.  I actually made those cupcakes and sugar cookie fries last year, but the cupcakes were a bit too time-consuming for my taste. So, I decided it would be a heck of a lot quicker to just make one big hamburger cake instead.
(These were a huge hit as cupcakes, too, but took too much time, in my opinion.)

This is the perfect summertime cake, especially for a cookout.  It's so cute, how could you resist it?  And it's very easy to make.  I made it this year for Memorial Day for my coworkers, who just loved it.  It would be perfect for the 4th of July or Labor Day too! 

You Will Need:

1 box yellow cake mix, prepared according to directions in two 
          9-in round pans
1 box brownie mix, prepared according to package directions
2 tubs white frosting
Red, yellow and green icing color or food coloring*
Sesame seeds
3 Ziploc bags


Make sure your cakes and brownies are completely cooled.  If needed, for the bottom "bun" of your cake, use a serrated knife to level off the top of one of the layer cakes.  Using a knife and your round cake pan as a guide, cut the brownies into a 9-in circle to create your "burger".

Dye equal parts of the frosting red, yellow and green.  These will be your ketchup, mustard and lettuce**.  Place each color into a ziploc bag and snip the end of one corner off with scissors.

Place your bottom bun on your serving plate.  Take your "ketchup" bag and squeeze it over the bun, making sure to drip a little down the side of the bun so it will be seen once the whole cake is put together.  Repeat with the "mustard".

Place the brownie burger on top of the condiment layers.  Using the same method used with the ketchup and mustard, place the "lettuce" layer on top of the burger.  Place the top bun on top of this layer.  Next, brush a small amount of water over the top of the top bun and sprinkle sesame seeds over it.  That's all there is to it!

*I recommend using pre-made red cookie icing instead of dying the white frosting red, because it's very hard to get a true red (usually end of with a shade of pink) unless you use icing color (not food coloring).  Be careful, though.  As you can see in my picture, the cookie frosting likes to drip, so start off sparingly and adjust as you go.

**You can also use shredded coconut dyed green in place of or in addition to the green frosting for your lettuce.  Just sprinkle it on before placing the top bun on the burger.

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