
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June Gardening (& Landscaping) Update

It's been quite a while since I've posted to my blog.  That is because I spent the first few days of June getting ready for vacation, the next week on vacation, and the rest of the time recovering from the vacation and getting things back in order at home.  Plus, we had a family birthday, graduation party and Father's Day to take care of. I've been busy!

This past Saturday, the husband and I spent almost the entire day working on our landscaping.  We weeded.  We mulched.  We planted the plethora of new plants I bought.  We got the entire garden planted (finished it, really.  Half was done the week before). It was exhausting!  We ate dinner at 9pm!  But it was worth it!

So here's what I've got in the garden this year- two broccoli plants that haven't done much lately (I got them planted late in the season).  I've never done broccoli before, so I don't know if they will ever progress this late or not.  But I'm holding out hope....
I've got one jalapeno and five bell pepper plants.  The Aerogarden with seed starter kit worked wonderfully for growing these from seed.  They became so tall, I had to take them out and pot them while the weather was still too cool to plant them, because they grew into the grow lights and the leaves were starting to burn!
I've got one square of onions, which I also grew from seed in the Aerogarden.  And one lonely strawberry plant (the other died).
The rest of the crop seeds were directly planted into the garden- cucumber, bush beans, pole beans, butternut squash, zucchini and carrots.  And some marigolds, too.  The cucumber, beans, and carrots have already started sprouting.  

Lastly, I planted potatoes in a potato bag.  Hopefully it works well. So far, they are doing just fine.
I'm excited for my garden.  I check on it every day and love to watch it grow.  And now that my Aerogarden is free to use again, I have vinca, impatiens, petunia, coleus, zinnia, and dill planted.  Everything but the vinca has sprouted already.  I love this thing- it's so easy! 

As far as the landscaping, here are some pics of our yard:

Front Yard

(I made this planter- Petunia, Calibrachoa, and a spike of some sort)

(Lantana, one of my favorite flowers ever!)

(Mums, Liatris, Hibiscus, with Spirea in the back)


(Calibrachoa in the baskets, plus Mums, Coreopsis, Coneflower and Forsythia in the back)

(Coreopsis- need to transplant them somewhere else in the fall- they are spreading like crazy!)

(Pink and green Petunias- love these!)

Back Yard
(Hostas and Forsythia, which had to be trimmed so we could walk through there!)

(Chives and Oregano on the left, and my gigantic Clematis, which will get many tiny white flowers)

(Multiple Hydrangea, Hostas, Lily of the Valley-
I plan to plant my coleus in that empty space by the house once they grow big enough in the Aerogarden)

(Cosmos, Japanese Irises, Spirea, Lilac, Clematis)


(One of two Geraniums I saved from last year and kept dormant in the garage over the winter, in between Phlox)

Hopefully with the next gardening update, I will have some veggies to show for.  And some flowers in the ground. Can't wait!

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