
Saturday, February 26, 2011

I've Been Tagged!

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a sucker for cute, furry animals.  That's why I'm using this picture for this post.

Recently I was tagged by my friend Lauren of L-Mo Cooks and Reads.

I don't usually participate in online tagging games, but since this one is blog-related, I thought I'd give in and play along.  Though you won't find me tagging anyone else.  But if you want to join in, by all means, play along!

1.  What food do you refuse to eat?
Scallops.  Ew.  I tried one once.  My mother sincerely thought I would like them, and convinced me of that while we were out to dinner for my brother's birthday one year.  I am a textural person, and that is definitely one texture I never want to enter my mouth again!  It grossed me out so much, I couldn't even bring myself to swallow it!  Blech!

2.  What is the most ethnic dish you have ever made?
I'm what I like to call a "European mutt", meaning I'm a combination of more European nationalities than I can count.  Somehow though, I identify most as Italian (I'm a quarter Italian).  I think the most "ethnic" thing I've made is biscotti.  And apparently I am quite successful making them, as my Italian grandmother and aunt expect them from me every Christmas. Seriously, I don't think I'd be invited back the next year if I showed up at Christmas without my biscotti!

3.  Salty or Sweet?
If I have to pick one, I pick sweet.  However, I really like salty with sweet, especially in the form of chocolate covered pretzels.  Mmm...  makes my mouth water just thinking about them!

4.  What kitchen gadget can you not live without?
I am not a gadget person.  The utensils that I cannot live without are my silicone spatulas.  I LOVE these things!  I use them all the time.  Just wish I would have had them before making homemade peanut brittle (I melted my old rubber spatula that way).

5.  Last restaurant you ate at?
Eddie's Pizzeria Cerino in Seven Hills, OH. Wonderful Italian restaurant that is just 10 minutes from my house and just happens to be owned by my dad's cousin.  I had Zucchini Planks w/Lemon Aioli for an appetizer and Chicken Parmigiana for the entree.

6.  Where would you live if you could move anywhere in the world?
I think I would have to choose the Historic District of Savannah, GA.  I absolutely loved it there.  Though, I went in the fall and it was hot enough then, so I'd probably have to migrate somewhere else for the summer!

7.  What is your blog about?
My blog is about all of my interests, mainly cooking, gardening, crafting, and reading.  Right now, since it is the middle of winter in gloomy Ohio, the majority of the posts have been about cooking so far.

8.  Do you have pets?
Just one- my pound puppy Daisy.

9.  What is the last city you visited?
Technically, the last city I visited was Charlotte, NC.  Though, it was just a one night stop at a hotel and a visit to their Cheesecake Factory for dinner on our way home from Florida this past October.   The last city we actually did something in (other than eat and sleep) was Poinciana, FL, which is about 40 minutes from Orlando.  My husband and I stayed there as the last leg of our southern roadtrip vacation (which also included Savannah, GA and Amelia Island, FL).

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