
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Peanut Butter Yogurt Dip

Adapted slightly from Prevention RD
I don't know about you, but where I live, fall is upon us.  The weather has cooled and many days have been rainy.  The leaves are already starting to change.  Aside from the rain, I love fall!  My birthday is in fall and Halloween is one of our favorite holidays.  Plus, there is almost nothing better than snuggling up on the couch in a hoodie on a cool fall day.

But that is not the best part of fall for me.  The best part is... honeycrisp apples return!  These are by far the best apple around- crisp, juicy, and just sweet enough.  My mom first introduced me to honeycrisp apples a few years ago, and ever since then, I've become an apple snob.  There is no other apple that can compare to the honeycrisp, and now there is no other apple that I will eat- with the exception of Granny Smith apples with my baked brie. Other apples simply just don't taste good to me anymore.  

Honeycrisp apples are perfect on their own, but pairing with this dip makes for an amazing combination!  The dip is smooth, creamy and fluffy.  It's almost like frosting, though not as sweet.  It makes for the perfect healthy snack.  I'm sure it would be great with other fruit too, like bananas.  It might even make other apples tolerable for me again!  And I know from experience it goes well with Kit Kat bars... (hangs head in shame).

This simple dip is definitely a winner.  My husband approves.  My coworkers approve- I've already shared the recipe with many of them.  It's so easy to make, there's no reason not to!  

Note:  vanilla Greek yogurt can be used instead of plain yogurt with vanilla extract.


1/2 cup peanut butter
6 oz. nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Combine ingredients in medium bowl and whisk until fluffy and well-combined.  Store leftovers in the refrigerator.  Mine kept well for over 2 weeks.

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