
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2011 Gardening Update

Well, I am happy to report that so far, my Aerogarden is working nicely for starting my seeds.  I already have broccoli in the garden, the onions will be there shortly- and look at my peppers!  They are coming along great!
Unfortunately- my strawberries are another story.  I bought two boxes that they sell with the mature plants in them ready to plant. Well, it stated to keep them in a cool place until ready to plant. I guess I waited too long, because when I went to plant them, one box was almost entirely dead.  Out of about sixteen plants, I have two that are green and thriving.  Yes, two.  Oh well.  Live and learn.

All of my other crop seeds will be directly planted in the garden after I get back from vacation in the beginning of June.  I don't want to plant them right before I leave and worry about someone remembering to come over and water them for me.  Well, that's assuming that it has stopped raining here by June!  I swear, in the past month, there has been only a handful of days where it didn't rain!  Ugh!

Last spring, the darn deer ate 1/2 of my tulips before they could bloom.  Thankfully this year I was vigilant with the Liquid Fence- but somehow they still managed to eat a few.  And even though I was happy most were spared, I still threatened to make venison stew... but don't worry- it's an empty threat.  Do you think I thought to take a picture before the flowers were spent?  Of course not.  It could have been the entire month of rain that had something to do with that....

I am also happy to report that I really like having an organic lawn care company.  The lawn is healthy and green and free of chemicals!  Yay!  During one of the rare rain-free evenings this weekend, we took the dog for a bike ride (yes, I know how that sounds.  She runs, we ride, husband holds the leash).  On our return, I noticed a clear line of demarcation between our lawn and our neighbor's lawn- ours was clearly greener.  Yay for organic!

So, that's my May update on my gardening situation.  Hopefully June will be much less wet and more productive outside.  After I'm done using my Aerogarden for veggie seeds, I have a bunch of flower seeds I intend on growing in it.  Can't wait for June!

How are your gardening plans coming along?

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